Getting Started with The Understanding Engine

Welcome to The Understanding Engine! This section will help you get up and running with our platform, designed to facilitate more productive, empathetic conversations about difficult topics.

New User? Start with our comprehensive getting started guide for a complete walkthrough of the platform.

Getting Started Articles

Creating Your Account

Learn how to sign up for The Understanding Engine and create your personal account.

Setting Up Your Profile

Complete your profile to get the most out of The Understanding Engine and make it easier for conversation partners to connect with you.

Understanding the Dashboard

Navigate the main dashboard and learn about its key features.

Starting Your First Conversation

Learn how to initiate a new conversation and set it up for success.

Inviting Conversation Partners

Invite others to join your conversations and collaborate effectively.

Next Steps

After getting started, you might want to explore these related sections:

If you need any assistance, our Help Center has additional resources, or you can contact our support team.